Nanobubbles for Health, Life, Energy & Environment!
Benefits of Nanobubbles

What are Nanobubbles?

Nanobubbles are 50-120 nm in diameter. The most peculiar characteristic of these bulk nanobubbles is their extraordinary longevity. Whilst the lifetime of microbubbles (1-1000 microns) is on the order of seconds, nanobubbles last for weeks and months. Nanobubble is a break through technology in gas-liquid system that perhaps revolutionize the existing processes.

High Gas Transfer Efficiency

  1. Conventional aerators offers 30-40% oxygen transfer efficiency.
  2. Our nanobubble machine achieves 90% gas transfer efficiency.
  3. Billions of nanobubbles suspend in the water.
  4. Nanobubble act as gas reservoir and releases gas when required.
High Gas Transfer Efficiency, NanoKriti, Benefits of Nanobubbles

High Oxidative Capacity

  1. The oxidative capacity is measured by oxygen reactive spices (ROS).
  2. ROS are responsible for degradation of organic matters and kills the pathogen and bacteria.
  3. Ozone nanobubble generates ROS that provides sterilization of the surfaces and bulk water.
  4. Conventional methods uses chemicals like hydrogen peroxide, chlorine, nanobubbles are chemical free treatment.
High Oxidative Capacity, Nanokriti

Negative Surface Charge

  1. Nanobubbles are negatively charged.
  2. Capable of adsorption of surfactants.
  3. Nanobubbles helps in flocculation.
  4. Surface charge provides longevity.
Negative Surface Charge, Nanokriti

High Surface Area

  1. Gas transfer in the liquid depends on the interfacial area.
  2. The interfacial area varies 1/d.
  3. Hundred time higher surface than microbubbles.
  4. Gas transfer capacity is expected increases 100-fold using nanobubbles.
High Surface Area, Nanokriti
Tailor-Made Solutions

Custom Machines

NanoKriti offers tailor-made solution in all the sectors of applications. We tailored the machine to provide a unique technological implementation designed to meet specific needs or requirements of individuals, businesses, or organizations.

Level Up with Nanobubbles & Unleash Nanobubble Potential!